173,427 Penn State Alumni Association members and counting!
Members of the Penn State DuBois Alumni Society consist of all graduates, former students, faculty, staff and friends of Penn State DuBois who are regular paid members of the Penn State Alumni Association. Becoming a member of the Penn State Alumni Association is all about pride - pride in Penn State and pride in being affiliated with the best alumni association in the country.
Join today as a new member or renew your membership and enjoy the benefits of being a member of the largest dues-paying alumni association in the country! For a current list of membership rates visit the PSAA member center.
If you elect to become a lifetime member of the Penn State Alumni Association don't forget to note the DuBois campus code (AEU) on the application in the box in the lower right hand corner of the application or when prompted online. Doing this helps benefit the DuBois Alumni Society and assures that you receive the benefits of both the PSAA and the DuBois Alumni Society.
Alumni Directory – Alumni Association members can re-connect with former friends, find old classmates, and network with more than 673,000 Penn State alumni through access to our online alumni directory.
Alumni Library Online – Receive exclusive access to University library databases through the Alumni Library Online.
Alumni Email – Members of the Penn State Alumni Association are able to sign up for a personal Penn State email account ( hosted by Google Apps for Education.
Penn State License Plates – Alumni Association members can get Penn State plates in Pennsylvania and eight other states.
Publications & Communications
College Place – Is specific to Penn State DuBois. It showcases faculty, staff, student, donor, and alumni updates and announcements. This publication is produced twice a year.
The Penn Stater Magazine – This full color award-winning, bi-monthly publication offers interesting, informative and emotion-filled articles pertinent to all Penn Staters.
AlumnInsider – the Alumni Association’s monthly e–newsletter, keeps members updated on Penn State news, Alumni Association events, and other University happenings.
The Football Letter – members receive The Football Letter in their email inboxes each Monday morning during the season—complete with game story, insights, stats, full-color game photos, details about Alumni Association news and events, links to other Penn State sports, and more.